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Pharaoh is a rapper from Russia who is extremely popular these days.
The real name of the performer is Gleb Golubin. He was born in 1996 on January 30 in the capital of Russia. Throughout his youth, he devoted himself completely to football, played for famous clubs. After graduating from secondary education, he became a student at the University of Journalism, from which he successfully graduated in 2017.
If we talk about Pharaoh's preferences for music, then his views were formed due to the influence of the world famous Ramstein collective, and no matter how strange it sounds - Snoop Doga.
When, over time, Gleb gave interviews, he told that his favorite performers are such famous personalities as Marilyn Manson, Kurt Cobain and Kid Cadi. Initially, the rapper pharaoh recorded his songs and tracks at the recording studio of his comrades.
2014-2015 year
For some time, Pharaoh was a member of the Grindhouse group. The rapper's debut song was the composition "Cadillac", which he recorded at the end of 2013 at the studio of his comrades.
The first notes of popularity came to the musician after he released a video clip for the track "Nothing Has Changed", and after that the mixtape "Wadget".
In the same year, the performer was published in a second mixtape titled Phlora.
Music critics who believe that Pharaoh and performers of this kind are a mixture of Kurt Cobain and Justin Bieber write that there is nothing behind the creative activities of such artists, but, nevertheless, their musical style is considered the most popular among the youth movement.
In the same year, in the fall, Pharaoh, together with a member of the Dopeclvb association, presents another Rage Mode mixtape.
According to the edition, Dolor became one of the 20 best compilations of 2015.
The demand for the performer began to grow by the end of 2015. At this time, the videos for the tracks "Black Siemens" and "Champagne Squirt" were being discussed on the Internet.
Before the video was removed, Black Siemens had managed to gain about ten million views on YouTube. And the main phrase from the chorus has become a kind of meme on the Internet. Pharaoh explained this by saying that "Sker is the sound made by Bruce Lee in films when he performed techniques."
2018 year
This year, at the end of winter, Gleb posted a post on his Twitter that the album was to be released. He posted a photo where "REDRUM" was scrawled on the door with the caption "??. ??. 2018".
The picture itself is a frame from the movie The Shining, which was filmed based on King's book.
On the door, in fact, Murder is written, if you read the word backwards.
A little later, on Twitter, one could already see the announcement of the final part of the tour, which took place from autumn to winter in 2017.
At the beginning of March, Gleb already announced all the regions in which the concert performances were to take place. The last performance of the tour was planned to take place in Vilnius, Lithuania.
In 2018, a mini-album was released, which included six musical compositions. Every year more and more people come to the concert to listen to the music artist pharaoh.